
Showing posts from September, 2017

Understanding Spring MVC project setup

Flow Diagram of Spring MVC  Img Source: TutorialsPoint   Purpose of web.xml Until Spring 3.1 the only way to configure the DispatcherServlet was with the WEB-INF/web.xml file. servlet name is dispatcher an instance of DispatcherServlet Class Will be initialized with a parameter named contextConfigLocation which contains the path to the configuration XML load-on-startup is an integer value that specifies the order for multiple servlets to be loaded. So if you need to declare more than one servlet you can define in which order they will be initialized. Servlets marked with lower integers are loaded before servlets marked with higher integers. With the servlet mapping we are bounding it by its name to a URL pattern that specifies what HTTP requests will be handled by it. The listener ContextLoaderListener is used to create root WebApplicationContext Purpose of Servlet-Context.xml Component scanning with <context:component-scan base-package="co...

Spring MVC Project: Setup

Software Requirements Eclipse Mars 2 Java, jdk 1.6 and above Spring 4 jar files( download ) Apache Tomcat 7  Step 1: Create a Dynamic Web Project( File>New>Dynamic Web Project ) Step 2: Create project folder and packages as shown below Step 3: Add required Spring MVC libs Step 4: Add following code in web.xml Step 5: Add following code in servlet-context .xml Step 6: Add following code in application-context .xml Step 7: Add following code in Step 8: Add following code in 2 jsp files- hello.jsp and link.jsp   Step 9: Start the tomcat server Step 10: Open the browser and open http://localhost:8080/SpringMvcBySarthak/hello GitHub of the project here


To find about  What are Chat Bots?  visit  here . According to Microsoft’s  documentation ,  “ Microsoft QnA Maker is a free, easy-to-use, REST API and web-based service that trains AI to respond to user’s questions in a more natural, conversational way. Compatible across development platforms, hosting services, and channels, QnA Maker is the only question and answer service with a graphical user interface—meaning you don’t need to be a developer to train, manage, and use it for a wide range of solutions.” Below are the simples steps to create Chat Bot Service using the QnA Maker: #1 – Creating knowledge base Knowledge base in this sense means ingesting the information like FAQs which are in Question & Answer form in the Chat Bots repository. Click on Create new Service and fill the form as shown below with  Service name, FAQ URL  and click on create: You will also have an option to update your knowledge base in...


What is Azure Bot Service ? For  introduction to chat bots  please refer this link  here Azure Bot Service  is a intelligent, serverless bot development service introduced by Microsoft Azure on  Azure Portal . This service is used to develop conversational bots with the help of various templates, cognitive services by Microsoft. LUIS  : LUIS is the  L anguage Understanding Intelligent Service .   LUIS  enables developers to build smart applications that can understand human language and react accordingly to user requests. For more information on LUIS visit  here Prerequisites for building a chat bot on Microsoft Azure Portal: MSDN account for Azure Knowledge of any one of the languages ( C#  or  Node JS ) Basic knowledge of Artificial intelligence Building a Simple Chat Bot #1 – Go to  Azure Portal  and search for Bot Service under Data + Analytics #2 – Create a BOT by filling the detai...

AWS LEX - Developing a Simple Chat Bot

What are Chat Bots? Chat Bot is a service that runs on rules or Artificial intelligence The users interact using natural and conversational Language. Chat Bots are like your personal assistants that actually assist you. They can live in any chat applications like Slack, Facebook messenger, Skype etc. Common example: Weather Bots - fetches forecast, current weather etc. Top 5 tools to develop Chat Bot: Lex (Amazon Web Services) (Google) Azure Bot Service (Microsoft) (Facebook) Watson (IBM) Building a Chat Bot using Amazon Web Services: What is AWS Lex? Lex is AWS service for building conversational interfaces for any applications using voice and text. Lex enables you to build sophisticated, natural language Chat Bots into your new and existing applications. Lex can serve a variety of use cases, customer support, transaction fulfillment, data retrieval, or even DevOps functions ( ChatOps ). AWS Lambda : Lex is integrated with AWS Lam...

The road to achieve Greatness!

Last month I finished reading " The Greatness Guide " by Robin Sharma . This book gave me some great insights about how to approach life at both personal and professional level. Past 8 months I have developed a habit of gathering important lessons from the books which I read. This book gave important lessons in following areas such as leadership, business, personal and professional life, and inspirational and motivational quotes by some of the experienced and world renowned persons. Few of the Life lessons I learned from this book are: "Be an eternal optimist. Your thinking shapes your reality. So always look for the best." How to be genius, here is simple equation: Focus + Daily improvement + Time Be a good listener, You were given 2 ears & I mouth for a reason- “ to listen twice as much as you speak ”. "Every time you say ' Yes ' to something unimportant you say ' No ' to something important." "The best time...